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Flipped Classroom & Lab Reports

Adam used the flipped classoom teaching method in his Chemistry I class for the Fall 2013 semester. In this model, Adam's video lectures were watched by students as homework, and students did learning activities such as labs or one-on-one tutoring with Adam during class. Students were allowed to work at their own pace through the material. This was a great method to differentiate learning while teaching students how to be independent learners. For each unit, Adam wrote an ebook with the lecture videos embedded along with written explainations and sample problems. He loaded these ebooks on his classroom set of iPads, or students downloaded them onto their own tablet devices.


Besides incorperating technology into his classroom, Adam supports writing across the curriculum. Since experiments are important to every branch of science, lab reports are also important. Lab reports are written to communicate discoveries, to archive work, and to teach others about concepts. Adam breaks down the lab report into its sections and teaches students how to write each section. Students are also given a rubric to guide their writing. A report is written for each experiment done in class. Research posters are also covered in class.


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