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Rocket Boys

The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is the world's largest rocket contest, sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and the National Association of Rocketry (NAR). Adam's physics classes have been participating in this competition since 2011, and one of his teams qualified for the National Finals in 2012 and another teach placed 15th in the nation in 2013.


Team America Rocketry Challenge

In 2011, Roy Lee Cooke, one of the original Rocket Boys, visited Adam’s classroom to discuss the importance of education. Students gave Mr. Cooke a small presentation about their rockets.


TARC changes the performance requirements for the model rockets each year. This keeps students from using the same design from year to year. Students use design software, such as RockSim, to virtually build and test different rocket designs of their own creation.

In 2012, Gilmer County High School (Team 3), made up of Lindsey, Mitchell, Ashley, and Larisa, qualified for the National Finals with an altitude of 805 feet and a flight duration of 47.3 seconds.


Next students launch their rockets. Computer chip altimeters are used to measure the altitude, and stopwatches on iPads are used to measure the flight duration. After collecting flight data, students can  redesign, rebuild, and retest their rocket until it reached the target specifications.


After designing a rocket to the specifications, students then build their rocket from scratch. They are only allowed to use parts that they personally create or parts that are commercially available to everyone.



A member of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) must observe a flight that is being used to qualify for the National Finals. Each team is allowed up to three qualifying flights. The NASA IV & V Center in Fairmont, WV organizes a statewide launch event with official observers to help teams qualify for Nationals. This also gives students a chance to talk to aerospace experts about their designs.


2012 National Finals

In 2013, one of Gilmer County High School's rocket teams made up of Lucus Tanner, Zach Chapman, and Ashley Bush placed 15th at the National Finals of TARC.


15th Place at the
2013 National Finals

During Adam's first year at Hurricane High School, the Redskin Rocketeers made up of Hunter Alford, Josh Boehm, Tyler Degnan-Schoen, Mark Hayes, and Kris Knight were selected as alternates for the 2015 National Finals of TARC.


Alternates for the 2015 National Finals
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