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Examples of Course Materials, Professional Evaluations, and Student Work 

Course Materials:

These are examples of syllabi, handouts, lesson plans, and assessments used in Adam's classes.

Science Safety Contract​

This is a lab safety contract developed by Adam for use in his science classroom. It must be signed by the student and the student's parent or guardian before the student will be allowed to participate in laboratory activities. 

Student Work:

These are examples of student lab reports, research posters, and other work.

Professional Evaluations: 

​Adam's classroom has been observed by two professionals on a regular basis. Linda Collins, Adam's Transition to Teaching Coach, observed Adam on an weekly basis during the 2008/2009 school year and on a monthly basis for the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 school years. During her observations, LInda made notes about the class. Later she would discuss her notes with Adam. This allowed Adam and Linda to collaborate to make Adam's class better. Topics of collaboration included:


  • ​     Posing challenge questions for students who excel,
  •      Grouping students to give one-on-one help
  •      Student engagement
  •      Questioning students during lecture to check for understanding
  •      Finding methods to call on students during guided practice


​In addition to Linda Collins coaching Adam, Nasia Butcher, the principal at GCHS, observes Adam several times each semester. She fills out a state evaluation form for each visit and discusses her observations with Adam. This is a valuable tool for improvement because it gave positive reinforcement when needed and guidance and direction for growth. Examples of these evaluations can be seen below.

Course Syllabi

These documents are example course syllabi created by Adam for his Chemistry I, Chemistry II, and Physics classes. 

Lab Report Rubric

This is the rubric students are given at the beginning of a lab report assignment which allows them to self assess their paper as they write it. It is also the same rubric used in peer-reviews and their final grade on the paper.

Lesson Plans

These are examples of Adam's weekly lesson plans used at Gilmer County High School during the first week of November 2010.

Principal Observations

These are observations made by the principal while she sat in on Adam's classes. Two or three of these observations are made each semester. 

Principal Evaluations

These are formal job performance evaluations made by the principal from multiple observations. An evaluation is made each semester.

Academic Coach Observation

This is an example observation made by Linda Collins. She was Academic Coach while he was in the Transition to Teacher program.

Example Student Lab Reports

These are examples of lab reports written by students in Adam's science classes. 

Example Student Student Research Poster

This is an example research poster made by students participating in the Little Kanawha River Watershed Dynamics Project. 


These are examples of assessments used in Adam's classes.

Virtual Worksheet

Sometimes Adam uses PowerPoint or other documents to create and interactive assignment that teaches students how to use different productivity software as well as the content for the course. This example shows a PowerPoint file that asks student to manipulate different slide to learn abou the different stages of a heart beat.

Example Student Student Electronic Book

Students in Adam's anatomy class dissected cats, photographed the dissection, and created an electronic anatomy book using PowerPoint.

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